DX Improvements

DX Improvements

We've made a few DX (Developer Experience) improvements to our API:

1. New externalId prop for simplified link management

You can now set an externalId prop when creating a short link to associate it with a link in your database. This lets you use your own link ID to retrieve or update the link, which eliminates the need to store the Dub-generated ID in your database.

Read this blog post to see it in action.

2. Arbitrary start and end parameters for analytics endpoints

All our analytics endpoints now support passing arbitrary start and end query parameters for retrieving analytics data within a specific time range. We will be adding support for this in our dashboard soon, but you can start using it now with the API.

Check out the API and SDK docs to learn more.

3. New upsert method for efficient link creation

We added a new dub.links.upsert method for you to create or update a link in one API call. With upsert, you can shorten a URL once and all subsequent calls with that URL will return the same short link. This helps you optimize your links usage by not creating duplicate short links.

Check out the API and SDK docs to learn more.