How to set custom social media cards for your links?

Learn how to set custom social media cards for your links to have full control over how your links look when shared on social media.

Steven Tey

Written by Steven Tey

This feature is only available for Pro plans and above. is the only link management tool that lets you customize the social media cards for your links, so you can have full control over how your links look when shared on social media.

Why set custom social media cards?

When running marketing campaigns, it's important to have a consistent brand voice across your links. However, that isn't always the case, especially when collaborating with external partners.

For example, your company was recently featured on TechCrunch, but the default link preview is a generic Unsplash image that doesn't accurately reflect your brand.

With Dub, you can set a custom-designed social media card for your link, which greatly improves the click-through rate and performance of your short link.

How to set a custom social media card?

To leverage this feature, toggle the "Custom Social Media Cards" switch in the link builder. This will reveal the following fields:

  1. Image: The image that will be used for the social media card. You can upload an image from your computer or drag and drop an image into the field (recommended size: 1200 x 630 pixels, max 1.5MB).
  2. Title: The title that will be used for the social media card (max 120 characters).
  3. Description: The description that will be used for the social media card (max 240 characters).
Create custom social media cards for your links
Create custom social media cards for your links

Here's a demo of how this feature works:

Introducing a cool new feature for @dubdotsh – OG Image Proxy 📸✨ How it works: 1. Add a custom OG image in front of your target URL 2. Bots like Twitter/FB will be served this image 3. Users will be redirected to your target URL h/t to @rauchg for the idea + initial code 🙏

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